Friday, November 6, 2009

It's Something...Well, Not Personal, but Close

The members of Something Personal are busy these days, but insidiously enough, not with Something Personal pursuits; it's an axiom that seems wrong, but be assured, we're being productive doing whatever we're doing.

Be it playing in a hodge-podge country band, recording vocals for a friend, or just extensive school or work.

Something Personal (minus 1) played at Harelton, TX, last Friday night, and we (minus 1) all agree: we had a blast. You may wonder where Harleton is. Well, its closer to Oklahoma than Nacogdoches. Go to Interstate 20, get to Longview, and go north a ways. After a series of roller coaster-esque roads, you arrive at this football loving town. And in this football loving town, we had a blast. Thanks for letting us come and play some originals, and worship with you. And a big thanks to the Whataburger located on the north side of Longview. Pretty much the best Whataburger we've ever been to. Maybe the best Whataburger period.

So, progress report time. The tempered steel of two new songs, hammerd carefully, yet forcefully, are now two steps away from being completed. That metal needs to be plunged into a barrel of water to set the steel (or, finish vocals) and then a nice coat of metal finish lathered in (or, mixed and mastered).

But, like stated earlier, these things are currently on hold; not because we don't want to, but, because our proverbial plates are so full. Not to mention, the anticipation, whether it be for an upcoming movie, sports game, or date, is often better, or so its said. Is that the right phrase? There's some old saying about that, I'm pretty sure.

Random S.P. Fact

Super Fans, now is the time to distinguish yourselves from, and above, other "mere fans". So, if you are what is known as a Super Fan, take note.

Though each member of the band can play the other instruments as well, here's a "shout out" to Lee Harrison, who has now played rhythm guitar, bass, back ground vocals, and as of last Friday, lead guitar in the band during performances. It's truly rare to find talent like that. And to find so many Robin Williams and Jim Carrey jokes. So, next time you get the great luck of seeing Lee, shake his hand for a job well done.

As always,