Thursday, December 17, 2009

We haven't dissapeared, We Promise

Time doesn't just fly when you're having fun; it moves quickly in 360 degrees at all times, making months into days and days into minutes. The only exception comes with sleep. Time does not exist at all from when you lay down to end the day to when the alarm sounds. No times seems to pass in those hours. But, since the last update from the band, it seems not that long ago I was typing to inform what we were up to. Yet, it really has been the longest hiatus in SP blog history.

When your rhythm guitar player thinks you should update the blog, then it probably has been a while.

We'll pick up with the band right where we left off: with the band not doing too much. And not because we don't desire to. We truly do. But as I stated earlier, time is precious and hard to come by these days.

One ray of light in the darkness of non-progress happened about two weeks ago. Usually the band works on a song with all five of us in the room, all at our instruments, working on the song together. Two weeks ago, though, Luke and I locked ourselves in the 146, and both at key boards and computers, wrote a song. An entire song. We even have a Reason track to go with it, and had a demo recorded by the end of the day. Just a personal opinion, I think the song could turn into a monster. So, that is some progress and some work being done.

We do have something for our fans this holiday season, though. If you venture to our facebook page, we have two Christmas songs for any to listen and download. Recorded live around this time last year, if you need help getting into the Christmas spirit, one listen of these songs will have you jollier than old St. Nick.

Random S.P. Fact

Super Fans, now is the time to distinguish yourselves from, and above, other "mere fans". So, if you are what is known as a Super Fan, take note.

Since I, and the majority of the band really, have been playing Modern Warfare 2 (which our good friend Brandon Batchelor is a demigod at) so much recently, I guess I have video games on the brain. Back in high school, KK and I, along with some other classmates (maybe including Luke; my memory is fuzzy) planned, and started pre-production on a video game, including the soundtrack. KK and I composed most of the soundtrack, and let Jake and Lee hear some of it one Sunday, which both liked. So, as well as being musicians, we may have some video game designers in here. So, don't be surprised if a side project comes from somewhere in the band involving video game based music. The guy who is tied to be our number 1 fan and I already have a few video game based songs.... All I'm saying is, don't be surprised.

As always,


P.S. Good luck to the Cowboys Saturday night, as they travel to play the undefeated Saints in New Orleans. Hopefully good will triumph, and God's team can end the week with a victory.