Monday, January 11, 2010

Concerning Priorities, and Band News Too (Expanded Edition 2.1, The Sequel incl. Special Features)

All right, first things off the bat:

First, as of this last Saturday night, the Dallas Cowboys ended their 13 year post-season-win drought. The band was able to watch the second half, and we haven't laughed nor had such a good time watching a Cowboys game ever. Though the MNF Buffalo certainly was exciting, and had a nail biting finish, this game had all the escapade with half the worry and heart stopping uncertainty. So, congratulations America's Team, for dominating a team that you "couldn't beat three times in a row". If the band can be near as consistent as Miles Austin's strong, ball-hawking hands, we'll be in great, great shape.

Second, hat's off, thumbs up, and all around great job to the Kountry Cafe, a diner right outside of Center, for being fantastic, and coercing us to want to make it our "usual" place. Whether is was the chicken fried steak, the char-burger, or the shrimp po-boy, as(*spoiler alert on the hyperlink) Jake said, "My soul is panting". And that was before they had the chocolate cheese cake. "Impressed" is not the word that comes to mind. "Dominated by flavor" is closer to the truth I'm seeking to express. If you're in Center, head out towards the airport (HWY 7 East), and right across from the airport lays this clandestine, home-grown wonderland of taste and reasonable prices. The only lament is that David Lee Harrison could not share this treasure with us.

Oh, and the band has had the great pleasure of leading worship at a D-Now at FBC Center this last weekend. And, the D-Now lead into a revival that we are currently in the middle of. So, if you just happen to be in the area, come to FBC Center at 6:30 not only to hear your favorite band, but to hear a stimulating message and be "Revitalized".

Though I joke about Cowboys and great food having more preeminence, all these things are temporary concerns and while they are fun, wonderful things, the truth is there are more important matters.

Such as, as of Sunday morning, we have a new sister in Christ.

And, that's what all of this crazy stuff is about. Late nights practicing, working through technical problems, doing our best to lead people in little songs that are hardly adequate for a Holy God, and all the things associated with leading praise and worship have one end-point, and one goal: to see people moved and changed by Christ. We'll never know how many people we've actually influenced; the number that have accepted Christ because of us in some part will never been realized, and maybe that's for the better. But to know that we had a part in one is more satisfaction than I can bear. That an all powerful God would use a few college musicians to advance the lines of His Kingdom.

The weekend was great, and the week seems to share the same molding, the luminescence brought by a moving weekend. Thanks to all that have supported us, and for the assurances and complements after the services. They are always appreciated, and we are thankful for all the support.

(Here comes the new content. Edit powers, engage.)
With the revival now done, we settle back down into a more normal schedule, with more "plans" to record and work on new music.

Thanks to everyone who was so gracious and supportive after the show; we really do appreciate it. And thanks to The J.B. for inviting us to come play at the church where 3/5's the band grew up.

And, to be clear, nerdy interests are nothing to be ashamed of. These things should be upholstered on banners, waved proudly against the wind in bright colors and embroidered golden. That being said, a big thanks to our new buddy, Chad Poe, for not only being an excellent, moving speaker, but for discussing alternate time lines in Marvel, theologies of Lost, and the axioms of D.C.'s endeavors. To be fair, we truly did talk much about sports, football in particular, but when a man shares his views on the dichotomy of the Marvel v.s D.C. argument*1, you are able to witness a little part of his soul. And we saw much of Chad's.

Closing out tonight, looking back, the D-Now/Revival seemed more practical in its approach than emotional, despite the fact our worship and the messages both possessed some. But more than just make you feel good, the purpose, at least from my reception of it, was a deep seeded encouragement, planted by grace and raised up by hope. Challenging, yes, but closer to what the title of the event was anyway, "Revitalize". To recharge those batteries, to refresh the soul. Or, more accurately, to coerce the heart to beat again, and beat with the Love of Jesus not only for ourselves, but for others. More than I feel guilted into pushing my Christianity into the world's face, I feel the push to live a life of humble love, paving a strong, heavy road with gentle kindness, and a little God given grace.

That just got serious. To bring this post full circle, my favorite super hero HAS to be Spider-man. Followed by Roger Staubach. Followed maybe by Chad Poe.

Random S.P. Fact

Super Fans, now is the time to distinguish yourselves from, and above, other "mere fans". So, if you are what is known as a Super Fan, take note.

Short and sweet.

Something Personal. Is. Music.

Not, but really, Something Personal has a new sub, and it is a behemoth. And, the sub has been christened "JUGHEAD". That name is more accurate than you know. Trust us.

As always,



Good luck to the Dallas Cowboys, who travel up north to take on the Minnesota Vikings in the second round of the playoffs. My your sacks be bountiful, and your offense be mighty. Amen.

1*(The dichotomy is this: the argument's purpose is to decide which brand of comic is better. D.C. or Marvel? Yet, without the other, neither would have reached the heights, nor the quality, that both possess now. The competition was good for them. Yet, the discussion still has to be made which is superior. In this writer's humble opinion, Marvel holds the upper hand.)