Sunday, February 21, 2010

Educational Quandaries, the Boundless Thomas Jefferson, and Sonic Quality

I’m going to start far away from the main subject, and cleverly weave the focus to the ends that I wish to achieve. Ready?

One of my favorite Presidents/historical figures of all time, especially in early American History, is Thomas Jefferson. Not only was he a great leader, but, also the only President to never veto a bill from Congress during his term. And, to quote President Kennedy, when he welcomed 49 Nobel Prize winners to the White House in 1962, saying, "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent and of human knowledge that has ever been gathered together at the White House – with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."

You see, Thomas Jefferson was a polymath, not only being a significant leader, but also a fantastic writer, a horticulturist, paleontologist, architect, archaeologist, and an inventor (Urban legend has it that he invented the swiveling, rotating chair. Grade A awesome).

Now, you may know Something Personal as a band of musicians. While this fact is true, it doesn’t entirely encompass the unmitigated talents of The Five. Among us is one of the strongest Lost-Theories-Brain-Trees, experts on the theoretical plausibilitess of time travel, complete knowledge of how to survive a zombie apocalypse (sure, laugh now), and how to sing and play every country song ever written.

But, we did not become a band for any of those reasons. We began this band, which in itself is a bildungsroman* story, and endeavor still with temerity* for one reason: to create music that is hopefully inspiring and glorifying.

We’ve long tried our hand at recording, and making that recording sound as professional as we can. And I’m happy to say, I think we’re within a breath of reaching that. I’m listening to two songs, or what has been recorded of the songs so far, and I’m giggling at how awesome parts of it sound. More importantly than that, by all means, is that the fans will soon have some substantial, something of worthy quality for fans as unrelentlessly loyal and ubiquitously great as we have.

First, we’ll have an EP ready for the BSM worship/concert coming up soon. That’s to tide everyone over until the full album has been hammered down, steel-set, and polished.


Next week, on Thursday, March 4, Something Personal will be playing at the BSM, on East College St., Nacogdoches, TX, at 7 p.m.

And we will something very exciting for everyone. With some trepidation, but more exploding excitement, we’ll be releasing “The Glorious Sound EP”. It will more than likely double our previous offerings in terms of content, and more than quadruple them in quality. It’s about time our fans got what they deserved: a big bear-hug and a metaphorical “cash-basket” of sonic bliss.

Random S.P. Fact:

Super Fans, now is the time to distinguish yourselves from, and above, other "mere fans". So, if you are what is known as a Super Fan, take note.

So far, four guitars (that I know of) have been named in Something Personal. Naming guitars started with blues players, naming them after women (sometimes their wives…sometimes. Come on, they’re blues players. That’s one of the many reasons they have “the blues”). My acoustic’s name has only very recently come forth, and few know it. Lee’s and Luke’s have been better documented, including Lee’s new baby. So far, here’s the list of what we have.

Luke’s Acoustic: Taylor

Lee’s Stratocaster: Landry

Lee’s Semi-Hollow Tele: Leslie

Phillip’s Acoustic: Lisa.

See if you can figure out the meaning behind a few of the names. Some are painfully easy, and almost difficult in their simple logic. And some would stretch even a polymath (see, I just went fill circle. Boom).

As always,


*Yes, those are two words I recently discovered, and couldn’t help but throw in. They’re such good words!