Monday, September 7, 2009

Busy is as Busy Does

A wise man once said, "Good work is satisfying. Great work is tiring." Hopefully that means the band did a great job, because most all of us were haggard by this Sunday afternoon. In case you haven't heard, and odds are you haven't, we had the privilege to play Friday night atNacogdoches Community Church and then Saturday evening at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in Lufkin, TX, and had a great time at both. Any of you who are reading this, and were at either event, thanks for coming out and supporting us!

And, since the entirety of the band was together for extended periods of time this weekend, business was consequentially brought up, and inevitably, what our funds need to be directed toward. While some of the band, who will not be named, proposed and valiantly fought for a device that would add an element of flavor to our live shows, others thought of more prudent and safe investments. So, our faithful fans, be here now informed: we are in the talks of adding either equipment, or, implementing an apparatus that would metamorphose the landscape of our live shows drastically.

Back to actual news, though, both shows went very well. Late Friday night we had the privilege to have a fun shin-dig with Nacogdoches Community Church, including covers of U2, The Beatles, and Relient K. Not saying we're as good as those bands, it would not be an exaggeration to say the songs sounded good, and things went well. Of course, any evening that "Gorilla-Man-Gun" gets played is a good evening. The next day we had a rendezvous at Taco Bueno, and then swiftly followed our GPS's down to Lufkin to visit Luke's cousin Mardy, and play for his church. Coming from recondite South Louisiana, Mardy spoke with a Southern draw different from our own here in Texas, but the name of Jesus sounds fine called out in any accent.

Yes, even Wisconsin accents.

The back to school rally went well, with students and adults alike in attendance; the crowd was lively and loud, despite the absence of a Bubbler.

While at both of these shows we played one or two original compositions of ours, here in two weeks or so we will be playing a set of nothing but originals. Though some of you have bared witness to some of our lesser known original songs, most have only heard the big two (“Come Out Of The Dark” & “Break From The World”). In the coming two weeks The Five is planning on polishing up some that have obtained rust, and finish one or two that are very nearly completed and have them shiny, nice, and new for Worsham's CD release party. So, if you like our original music so far, its a safe bet to say that you'll like our newer songs as well. Though they differ in style to some degree, you will still be able to find the "Something Personalness" in each one. Some bring the rock, while others quietly court it in a more subtle way. But, we're excited to play some new music for a fans who have probably deserved a taste of them before now.

In this last paragraph (Did I just break the fourth wall?) I'd like to thank Jessica Ruminer for all of her tireless help this weekend. The same woman who keeps K.K. in check also works our merchandise table. It’s an aspect of being in a Christian band that is odd: we need support and funds to continue what we're doing, yet, it often feels odd to either preface a song about Jesus, or inform afterward, we have a table where you can buy things of ours. But, everywhere we go people have been more than kind and generous, and seem to think we're good enough to warrant a purchase of a CD and/or shirt. This weekend, and a majority of shows that we've had The Table, Jessica has done a great job. And, truth be known, we've had several helpers on different occasions, whether it be Josh Smith helping load equipment, or Lauren Lengl or Lin Monk behind the table. Maybe one of the best blessings the Lord has granted the band is amazing friends to help us in our endeavors. So, to all who have helped in one way or another, listed here or not, thanks from the entire band! May you live long and prosper. Or, more realistically, we pray God will bless you as you've blessed us.

Now that the mushy stuff is over, let's get to machine-efficiency-like business

Just a reminder, Thursday September 24th, we're the opening act for Worsham's CD release party, and we'd love to see a lot of our fans there. Don a Something Personal 8-bit Band shirt, bring a lighter to wave during "Break From the World", and an appetite for tasty music. ‘Cause we're concocting a delicious stew of melodies, harmonies, and beats to refresh the pallet and fill up the soul.

Random S.P. Fact:
Super Fans, now is the time to distinguish yourselves from, and above, other "mere fans". So, if you are what is known as a Super Fan, take note.

At every Something Personal concert (concert, not worship service) be sure to scan the stage for the lovable, and tragic, Mr. Bill, a bobble-head that is the band mascot for all intents and purposes. Either on an amp, a stool, or hanging from the ceiling, he's been seen in numerous places around the band as we play. Looking for Mr. Bill during the concert is just one of the many fun things you can enjoy as The Five perform.

With sore calluses from the weekend,

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