Monday, October 5, 2009

A Treatise on Hype

You may have seen this, or this, or this.

You may have heard this, this, or this.

You may have watched this, maybe this or even this.

But, there was a new masterpiece in the works this very day.

Okay, maybe that was too much hype. Let's try that again

Hey, how was your day? Good. What all did you do? Yeah? That sounds good. What did we do? Well, we planned on recording drums, bass, rhythm guitar, some vocals, etc this afternoon for two of our newest songs. Though we only got to work on one, with heavy hearts, that intense labor was very much worth the time. Not saying this latest recording is a masterpiece, but, it's unequivocally the best recording Something Personal has produced. And, we can tell this even though Jake hasn't laid down the lead guitar tracks, Luke still needs to finish up some of the vocals, and the whole thing E.Q.ed and mixed.

For those of you wondering, the song is "Carry Me", written by our friend and yours, KK Smith. You may have heard it live the very few times we've played it. We are very excited to finish it up and let you all hear it, like a new father, embracing his new child, swathed in a small blanket, walking to and fro his various relatives eager to present the child to everyone.

Once again, maybe too grandiose. But, do expect good things.

This coming weekend we will finish up that song, and hopefully knock out our other new one as well. The visage of our next musical offering, may it be another demo, or full length, or any combination of the two, is starting to appear different, but in a great way.

You may have also seen we had a web cam filming the entire experience. We apologize for any remarks, or unconscious behavior that may have shocked or offended. But, we're glad for all who tuned in. This may feel like spying, or some type of creepery a creeper would do, but, it's actually just another way to support the band. We appreciate all our viewers exponentially more than you know. Once again, maybe too much, but, it's just another brick in the "theme-wall" I'm building. Apparently, so are bad analogies.

Oh, and I think you should know: David Crowder*Band has a robot drummer. Who plays on some songs. Along with their human drummer. Yeah. * B-Wack, the human drummer assembled Steve, the robot drummer. And Steve is really good. And he is a ROBOT.

Random S.P. Fact
Super Fans, now is the time to distinguish yourselves from, and above, other "mere fans". So, if you are what is known as a Super Fan, take note.

Since I'm talking directly to the audience in this post, how about we dive head first into some Something Personal history, friend?
(abridged version)
Our humble beginning is in Center, TX, when Luke Lengl asked Phillip Porterfield to play bass, which Phillip had recently acquired, in a band with him. So, in a rag-tag band, including Phillip's older brother, the band played a few places, named some old, early-high-school-garage-band sounding name. After a few personnel turn-overs, we asked an already good friend of ours, KK Smith, to try play drums with us. So, in August 2004, he came, things clicked, and we went racing from there. Fast forward to 2007; by now Luke has taken over lead singing duties, and we were a guitar player short. Enter the virtuoso, Jake Rogers. Initially leading worship with us at SFA's BSM, we quickly added him to the already illustrious band of Something Personal. Jump again to 2009. After playing bass and guitar with us at the SFA BSM for around a year, Lee Harrison's harmonies and subtle, tasteful rhythm guitar riffs persuaded us to add him in that February. Now, there is Five, a good, solid, prime number.

And there you have it, a brief, nostalgic history of the band. Now you know, Super Fan.

As always,

*(Notice a series of shorter sentences implies more dramatic statements. Writing tip #1)

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