Saturday, March 6, 2010

Prodigious Subjects and an Excercise in Hyperlinking

There are a few things you should be aware of. As quotidian, I'll begin with the topics furthest from the actual band, and work my way back. It's more than a formula I use now: this has become a habit.

We all love epic things. Admit it. That's why movies such as Avatar and Braveheart are so good, and so well loved. It's the prevailing factor in why books like "Moby Dick" and "Lord of the Rings" have the longevity they do. And, it's even a small part of why sections of the Bible are so gripping and awe-inspiring.

And, it's also why the Legend of Zelda is arguable the greatest video game series ever. And, right now, for a worthy cause, a few friends are playing through every main Zelda game to raise money for charity. 24 hours a day, non-stop until they are done 100%-ing each one. It's called Zelda Marathon. This is very much in the same mold as Mario Marathon, another fine institution. But, another reason all those fore-mentioned things are loved, is not all the epic-ness, but even closer to their centers are hearts. The Legend of Zelda has succeeded because of it's heart; the story, the characters, its personality win you over. And so, when something that already has a heart is being used for something actually important, like doctors and medicine for people who need it, it endears you more toward it.

Something else that has a big heart wrapped with an epic coating is our new Glorious Sound EP, which we officially released at the BSM two nights ago.

Thursday night, we once again were privileged to play for the great people at Crave. Speaking on the behalf of the rest of the guys (which I guess I do regularly, without realizing the implications, or the awesome power) we absolutely enjoyed it, and had a blast worshiping with everyone of you.

Sound intensity/volume is measured in something called decibels. And Something Personal likes decibels. A lot. To get a great, enveloping sound, where you don't have to worry about other people hearing you sing is something we go for, as well as just sounding over all better loud. Despite all of this, I could hear the crowd. Standing at the back of the band, next to the drums, right in front of Lee's amp and my bass amp, next to another monitor, I could hear people singing. And that is just ridiculous and fantastic.

We covered a new song, which may or may not have even been released yet. "Like a Lion" is a great song, and I was excited about playing it. The first measure of the chorus we drop out to nothing but vocals. So, the part came, we all dropped out except Luke, and I could hear people singing it. But, how could they know the melody already? Can you all follow along that well? You hadn't even heard it yet. But, you sang it loud. And being onstage, hearing that, gives you a feeling that is hard to describe.

Back to the EP, though, we hope everyone enjoys it, and is blessed by it. We worked hard on it, just for you folks, and we had fun amidst all the work. I love the fact that all the members of the band had such a heavy hand in this; lyrics were written by different people, music was made up by different members. KK might write most the lyrics for a song, and Jake would have great music to put to it. Lee would have a great vocal part to add to something Luke composed. And I think this makes the entire thing even better.

And yes, there are a few epic moments on the EP. But at its center, there's a modest heart, and one that I hope speaks to people in a sincere way.

Random S.P. Fact

Super Fans, now is the time to distinguish yourselves from, and above, other "mere fans". So, if you are what is known as a Super Fan, take note.

We once had a conversation about how in England, toilet paper has to be edible. For like 15 minutes, we discussed why and how and when.

And, we randomly bust out singing this.

Just a fair warning.

As always,


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