Monday, April 26, 2010

On Art and Its Purpose to Have No Purpose

I wish I could make real music.

Not to say that what I write is not veritably real, but when compared to other works of actual genius, the candle shines not quite the same as the lantern. When Ralph Vaughan Williams busted this piece out, nearly one hundred years ago, I was doomed to forever try to compose something as great. Using Reason, a couple of string sections, a brass section, and some timpani, I have endeavored many times to recapture some of the magic Vaughan Williams seemed to inherently and easily endow into his orchestrations. Not to copy him, but quantify the seemingly mystical properties of his works.

And maybe I'm one of the few to feel this way about Vaughan Williams. Yet, I think most people have this feeling about something, if not another musical artist. To call what some of these people have done just "music" is almost an insult. The works go beyond the general perception of "art", and become something more personal and meaningful. Beethoven is as much of an idea as he is a composer now. The Beatles are almost a concept, the personification of musical sensibilities and nearly the connotation of success and quality. Very "Batman Begins"-esque, their music, by it's virtue, have become something even more, greater than art. It's said that for something to be "art", it can have no other purpose than that of being art; a car, by that logic, cannot be art (though I disagree), nor can a building or appliance or video game.

I'm not so sure that necessarily true. I think that art is anything that, by it's sheer virtue, quality, or attributes, stirs the soul, and by touching the soul, transcends the base word of "art" to become something indescribable.

A Saturn V rocket can be "art".

A baby crib, first used, can be "art".

Even an execution device can be "art".

So, often during the nights I'm laying in bed, sleepless, I wonder, "Am I making art?" I hope I do. But, that's not for me to decide, because another natural trait of art is that it's expository. Michelangelo was not going to keep this or this to himself. They were meant to be seen. Meant to stir souls, and touch hearts. That can't be done alone.

I sincerely hope what we do as a band is to move people. Maybe not as in grandiose, or obviously powerful, masterful ways, but something earnest, and close. The world needs more beautiful things, things that are esemplastic, and haunting, and just plain touching. And maybe we five college-age guys can bring a small portion of that to those around us who need it.

***Shameless Plug Warning***
This Saturday, we have the great pleasure of opening for our good friend, Ben Campbell. We arranged and practiced our acoustic set yesterday (Sunday), and from where I sat, things were sounding good. So come out to the Young Life Building at 8 (directions will be posted on our facebook page) to hear some good music, and get a copy of Ben's c.d. Trust me, you will want one.

Random S.P. Fact:
Super Fans, now is the time to distinguish yourselves from, and above, other "mere fans". So, if you are what is known as a Super Fan, take note.

Here is each band members (currently) favorite artist/band:

Lee: Shane and Shane
Luke: The Rocketboys
Phillip: Ralph Vaughan Williams
Jake: The Arcade Fire
KK: Matt Pond PA

As always,

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